2023 Spoonflower Challenge Entries (All of Them)
On January 1, 2023, I decided to participate in each and every of the weekly Spoonflower Design Challenges. This was not a small resolution! I had committed myself to draw 48 designs, on a deadline, according to someone else’s requirements. I’ll admit, this project took a lot of coffee, endless podcasts hours and more 4am wake up calls than I’m willing to admit. And yet, I still missed a handful of the challenges. Nonetheless, I created and entered 40 designs! I had several top 100 designs and a few that placed so terribly I wonder how managed to miss the mark to such a wild extent. (Most challenges have 1000-2000 entries.) Ah well, I did my best! And now, entirely for my own research purposes, I’ve put them in order of how they ranked in the Design Challenge they were entered into. Cheers!
That’s all for now! Thanks for checking out my work!
J Marie is a stay at home mom, artist and blogger based in the Los Angeles Suburbs. Follow her on Instagram for daily artwork updates! You can find her work on Etsy, Geometry House and Spoonflower.